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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The accused was convicted after contest of raping his friend’s 13 year old sister on 18 October 2008. He was allegedly caught red handed having sexual intercourse with her by the child’s stepfather. The complainant had allegedly had previous sexual encounters with the accused on numerous occasions without making any report to anyone. This alleged offence only came to light because she was found in a compromising position with the accused by her stepfather in the house. More

On 16 December, 2015 the applicant moved the court to: (i) evict the 1st – 21st respondents and all those who claimed occupation through them from Dorith More and Stanley [“the farms”]; (ii) interdict the respondents and those that claimed through them from entering the farms- and (iii) order the 22nd respondent to assist the Sheriff in evicting the respondents and those who claimed through them from the farms More

I heard this matter on 18 May 2021, I delivered an ex tempore judgment in terms of which I granted the applicant’s prayer with costs. On 19 October 2021, the High Court Registrar wrote advising me that my decision had been appealed. He requested reasons for the same. These are they: The applicant is a legal entity. It is the owner and lawful occupier of two pieces of land (“the farm”) which are in the District of Hartley which is now known as Chegutu. The pieces or the farmcomprise(s): More

This is an application for leave to appeal against the decision of this court of 7 July 2021 in case HC 4469/20, judgment HH 352/21.Applicants filed two applications, HC 1230/19 and HC 3457/19, with this court which they did not persue until the respondent filed a chamber application for their dismissal for want of prosecution under case HC 4469/20. On 19 March 2021, the day of the hearing of the initial chamber application, applicants persuaded the court that they be given more time to set down their two matters. The presiding judicial officer granted their request and by consent from... More

The application before me is an application for leave to execute pending appeal. The facts of the case have been covered in detail in the pleadings and what appears below is a brief summary of the relevant facts. The applicant hereinapplied to this Honourable Court to have an arbitral award registered. This application was opposed by the respondent. The respondent opposed the application for two main reasons; the first was that there was an application for stay of execution of the arbitral award pending before the Labour Court at the time the applicant sought to have the arbitral award registered.... More