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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
In Case No. HC 4174/10, the applicant in this matter filed for the review and setting aside of an arbitral award rendered in arbitration proceedings between the parties. The award was made on 26 May 2010 and the application for review was filed on 21 June 2010. There were delays in confirming and preparing the record of those proceedings for various reasons. The applicant now seeks condonation for the late filing of the arbitral record to enable the review proceedings to continue. More

The accused person, a male adult aged 33 years old, was arraigned before this court facing a charge of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (the Criminal Law Code). It was alleged that he murdered one Moreblessing Ali between 24 May 2022 and 11 June 2022 at a place between Chibhanguza Nightclub, Nyatsime and Plot 321 Dunmoter farm in Beatrice. More

: The convicted person pleaded guilty to assaulting a police officer in contravention of s 176 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23] (Assaulting a Peace officer). He was convicted and sentenced to $200-00 in default of payment 90 days imprisonment. More

Ronald Kanyowa was charged with the crime of murder in contravention of s 47 (1)(a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9;23] herein-after called the Code. He fought and killed his cousin Nigel Mashingaidze. He stabbed him in the stomach and chest with a ceremonial dagger. He pleaded not guilty to the charge and raised the defences, of, provocation and defence of person as provided in sections 239 and 253 of the Code. More

The convicted person initially pleaded guilty to a charge of theft as defined in s 113 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. The facts on which he was being charged were read to him. The magistrate asked him if he understood them and he in response said he did. The magistrate further asked him if he had anything to add or subtract. In response the convicted person told the court that the complainant had employed him as an ice-cream vendor and given him ice cream pads for sale and a push-cart. He fell ill and took... More