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Court Judgements

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The two accused persons are brothers. They were jointly charged with the murder of Jokonia Choga Muunganirwa at Chemhanza Hill in Chevakadzi Resettlement Area in Bindura on 31 January 2010. They were alleged to have caused his death by assaulting him indiscriminately all over his body and stoning him on the ribs and head. More

The impunity of a cabal of 13 political zealots, the complicity of law enforcement agents, the lamentable misuse of the prosecutorial authority bestowed on public prosecutors and the disinterest of the trial court all rolled together is the epitome of all that should not happen in our criminal justice delivery system. This matter is a living example of an injustice allowed to take root because of a serious dereliction of duty by those tasked with the protection of law abiding citizens of this country and the punishment of offenders without fear or favour. More

The trial magistrate who dealt with all the above matters was discharged from the service before, in some cases, responding to the queries raised by the scrutinising Regional Magistrate. The records pertaining to these cases were retrieved from the trial magistrate’s office drawer in a plastic bag. The scrutinising Regional Magistrate has forwarded the records in question for remedial action on review. More

1. The accused aged 22 years old was properly convicted of the charge of robbery as defined in s 126(1)(a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] by the learned magistrate sitting at Bindura Magistrates Court on 21 October 2022. The accused was sentenced as follows: More

The accused stands accused of committing a heinous crime of murder. A crime so brutal that it has left the family of Moreblessing Ali shattered and the community of Nyatsime in shock. More