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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The accused persons are charged with murder to which they pleaded not guilty. The matter has dragged for an inordinately long time. More

The two matters landed on my desk for review, having been forwarded from the office of the Regional Magistrate in Mutare. Both were dealt with by the same trial magistrate, who is a provincial magistrate stationed at Chipinge. More

This is a review matter emanating from the Magistrate Court which has been referred to this court in terms of S57 of the Magistrates Court Act. The accused persons were charged with three (3) counts of stock theft as defined in s114(2)(a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] and two (2) counts of theft as defined in terms of Section 113(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (hereinafter referred to as (“the Act”). Both accused persons pleaded “Not guilty “to the charges but were both convicted. The 1st accused was convicted of... More

There are three accused person in this murder trial. Two of the three accused are brothers, namely Andrew Guduza and Gregory Guduza. They are the 2nd and 3rd accused respectively. The 1st accused, Zvioneso Chaira is their uncle, in that he is their mother’s brother. The central issue is whether the three relatives connived in common purpose when, as the state alleges , on the 5th of March 2016, one or more of them unlawfully and with intent to kill shot Josiah Kusemwa with a luger grand power pistol serial number MRS 0243. He was shot once in the face... More

The accused wasconvictedon his own plea ofguilty totwo countsofcontravenings89 (4) (b)and (5)of the Postal andTelecommunicationsAct, Chapter 12:05 and one countof contravening s10 of the CopperControl Act[Chapter14:06]. The facts in countonewerethaton the2nd of November2021,in Masasa Park, Harare, he hadbeen foundby a residentcuttingTelonecommunication dropwires. Acitizen’sarresthadbeeneffectedand when he was searched he wasfoundwith Telonecablesweighing1kg andvaluedatUS$150.00, which heindicatedhecutand stolenfrom aTelone line in MasasaPark.In counttwo, he hadbeensearched and foundin possessionof cablesweighing1kgand valuedat US$50.00. More