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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 28 February, 2011 I wrote the following review query to the trial provincial magistrate Wochiunga esq. who was then stationed at Harare Magistrates Court: “These proceedings are redolent with irregularities. More

This case has its roots in domestic violence and shows the fatal consequences that can result from it for innocent children. The accused who was charged with murder pleaded not guilty to murder and tendered a limited plea of guilty to culpable homicide. The agreed statement of facts as presented to the court were as follows: More

The accused faces two counts of murder and one of attempted murder. The allegations are that on 20 August 2016, he unlawfully and intentionally caused the death of Rugare Kahlamezi and her grandchild Faith Chateya and attempted to murder Vimbai Charumbira. He had poured 1.25 litres of petrol on a thatched hut and entrance and lit it resulting in a fire which engulfed the whole hut. More

The record in the matter between the State v Allan Mukodzani CRB MUTP 2504/17 was referred for review by the magistrate to whom the matter had been referred to internally for a trial de novo by the trial magistrate who heard the matter after she had recused herself. More

The accused was charged with murder in that on the 8th day of September 2016 at Umsweswe bottle store, Pingo in Kadoma, he unlawfully and with intent to kill caused the death of Linda Runyararo Mushangi by stabbing her on the stomach with a knife causing injuries from which she died. More