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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The accused faces a charge of murder arising from the events of 8th April 2017, at Nyavanhu Village, Chief Tandi in Rusape. More

The accused appeared before the Provincial Magistrate sitting at Marondera facing a charge for contravening section 27 (d) of the Firearms Act, Chapter 10:09 (the Act), that is, unlawfully discharging a firearm in or upon a public place. He was convicted on his own plea of guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of US$100 failure of which to undergo imprisonment for a period of 6 months. More

The accused Bowen Samasuwo pleaded not guilty to murder. The allegation by the state was that on the 18th of August 2009, at Bury hill farm in Banket, he unlawfully and with intent to kill, or realising that his conduct might cause death had stabbed one Noah Dennias with a knife on the back right side of his chest. The stabbing had caused injuries from which he died. The accused pleaded complete self-defence in that he was under an unlawful attack at the time More

The accused Brighton Nyamukoho was charged with murder in that on the 25th of July 2016 he killed his paternal aunt being his father’s sister by striking her on the head with a log following accusations that she was a witch and had caused the death of her husband. The accused pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. More

Both accused persons in this case are charged with murder which had its genesis in a request for a cigarette by the deceased, one Moses Chiyangwa. This request was to one Joseph Mutonhodzi, a reveller at the bar who was the first accused, Carrington Gwera’s friend. They had been drinking at the bar till the early hours of Saturday 16th of April 2016, when the unwelcome request was made. More