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Court Judgements

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The accused was charged with the murder of his wife whom he was said to have assaulted with an iron bar on the 15th of May 2017 resulting in her death. He pleaded not guilty to murder but was willing to plead guilty to culpable homicide. The trial proceeded on the charge of murder. The backdrop of the State’s case was that the deceased and the accused had been customarily married for about 12 years. They had a misunderstanding on the 12th of May when the accused had confronted his wife about her alleged infidelity. She had left home that... More

It is a paradox that tragedy can befall a Christian couple on their way to church in such an unexpected way as happened in the present case. The accused pleaded not guilty to the murder of his wife. The incident took place on 31 May 2011 at Chingwaru village, Chief Masembura, Bindura. More

The two accused were charged with one count of unlawful entry into premises under aggravating circumstances in terms of s 131 (1) (a) as read with s 131 (2) of the Criminal Code, and one count of murder in terms of s 47 (1) (a) of the same Code. A 3rd accused Lovemore Mumba who was facing the same charges was discharged at the close of the state case and the reasons were given for his discharge. This judgment therefore deals with the remaining two accused. More

The accused persons Erizah Zinaka and Nyashadzashe Shanapinuka who were initially facing a charge of murder pleaded guilty to culpable homicide. This was after the State agreed to amending the original charge to reflect the lesser offence following consultations with the accused persons’ defence counsel. More

A grave injustice occurred in this case. This is because as at the time of reviewing this matter the accused had already been punished. This is despite the fact that legally he did not commit the offence that was preferred against him on account of muddled charge and facts. Being a juvenile, the accused person was sentenced to receive two strokes with a rattan cane. More