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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff concluded an agreement of sale with the second defendant on 20 January 2003 and took registered title of the immovable property, stand number 2946 Gwelo Township of Gwelo Township Lands, also known as 40 Mcllwaine Southdowns, Gweru, on 19 February 2003. The first defendant, Mrs Gwanzura, is the former wife of the second defendant, Mr Gwanzura. Their marriage of 19 years was dissolved by the High Court sitting at Bulawayo on 23 July 2002 in case number HC 2877/98. The divorce order, inter alia, apportioned the house between the defendants More

The applicant approached the court a quo seeking the relief of a spoliation order. The application was dismissed with costs thus occasioning the present appeal. More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the magistrates court sitting at Harare dated 29 June 2023. More

On 20 January 2022 an entity called Chigami 2 Syndicate obtained judgment against the third respondent under case HC1840/21. That judgment led to the attachment of the third respondent’s equipment by the first respondent. Sometime in June 2023, the second respondent advertised the sale of the third respondent’s property in situ on 1 July 2023. The property to be sold comprised of a processing plant consisting of loading bin, crusher, vibrator, separator/sieve, siemens crusher, 2 x hammermills and separator, container control room with 3 x power control boxes (hereinafter called the equipment). The applicant was represented at the auction and... More

1. This is an appeal against conviction on two counts of rape as defined in s 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (“the Code”). 2. The appellant was acquitted of one count wherein he had been charged of raping the same complainant. More