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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
These are the reasons. The applicant filed a written application for leave to appeal my judgment under HH 417/18 wherein I found its urgent chamber application as not urgent. I ordered that it be removed from the roll of urgent matters. I also ordered that the applicant pays the first and second respondents’ costs on the higher scale. The facts of the matter are set out in my judgment under HH 417/18. The determining factor in an application for leave to appeal is the existence of prospects of success on appeal. More

This is an application for stay of execution of orders of the Magistrates Court in case No. 255/12 dated 9 and 23 February 2012. The background to the application is that on 5 January 2012, the applicant filed an application seeking the ejectment of the respondents from No. 144 Nelson Mandela Avenue, Harare (the premises). The applicant alleged in the application that it is in occupation of No 142/4 Nelson Mandela Avenue, Harare pursuant to a lease agreement with a company called Zeolite Investments (Pvt) Ltd dated 22 March 2011. Prior to the conclusion of the lease agreement, the premises... More

n an action which it filed with the court on 18 February 2016, the applicant sued the respondent. It claimed from the respondent: (a) payment of $14 7698.14 which it said was for: (i) catering services it rendered to the respondent for the period 2012 to 2015 – and (ii) collection Commission at the rate of 10% of the principal debt; (b) interest at the prescribed rate per annum – and (c) costs of suit. More

Its narrative is that it has legal mining rights over the registered area in Shamva which is within Lot 1 of New Brixton Farm with a total size of 68 hectares in extent. It states that what the respondents did some four days which precede 5 November, 2022 compelled it to file this application on an urgent basis. The respondent, it claims, invaded its mining claims, raided its gold ore from its mining locations and took the same to a mill for its own benefit. It alleges that, on 1 November 2022, the respondents returned to the mine with a... More

The plaintiff issued summons in which the following relief is being claimed: a) Payment of US$225 000 together with interest at the prescribed rate. b) An order that the second defendant shall not transfer stand number 7488 Salisbury Township held under deed of transfer number 697/02 to the first defendant until payment of US$225 000 has been made to the plaintiff by the first defendant. c) That the first defendant shall pay costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale More