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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicants seek an order declaring the respondent liable for contempt of court. It is proposed that the respondent be committed to prison for a period of thirty days wholly suspended on condition that the respondent and all those claiming through her shall within twenty four hours of this order vacate stand 1089 Tynwald, Harare. More

On 22 May 2022, I dismissed the applicant`s prayer for condonation of late noting of appeal. Applicant addressed a letter on 9 August 2023 requesting written reasons thereof. The letter went thus; - “Kindly take note that, I filed an application for condonation of late noting of appeal with the High Court on 11th November 2021 under case number CON 279/21. The application was dismissed in chambers before honourable Mr. Justice Chilimbe on the 22nd of May 2022. More

The plaintiff instituted the instant action claiming a sum of US$100 000.00 in respect of defamation damages. The claim arises from the publication by the defendant, a publisher of newspapers, of an article under its letters to the editor section, of an article entitled, “Police, Army please Act”. More

The circumstances leading to this appeal maybe summarised as follows: On the 19th September 2014 the Appellant entered into a lease agreement with Letwin Emmanuel in respect of property known as 4 Kinross, Alexandra Park, Harare.The property was managed by Luxury Real Estate Agents and the rentals were supposed to be paid to the said Letwin Emmanuel, through the estate agent’s account or directly to Letwin Emmanuel. Letwin Emmanuel was the legal owner of the property and had title deeds. In terms of the written lease agreement between the parties rent was set at US1 000 00 per month. More

The applicants in this matter seek an order in the following terms: 1. That first respondent be and is hereby barred from disposing of and effecting transfer of house No 16036, 6th Street, Sunningdale 2, Harare. 2. That fourth respondent be and is hereby ordered not to effect any transfer of House No 16036, 6th Street, Sunningdale 2, Harare. 3. That House No 16036, 6th Street Sunningdale 2 Harare be and is hereby registered in the names of Sydney Mutara, Christine Mutara and Solomon Mutara in equal shares or; 4. Alternatively: That house no 6118 St Marys’ Chitungwiza and Stand... More