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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant was convicted by a magistrates court sitting at Mbare on a charge of contravening section 113 (1) (a) and (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9.23. He took property belonging to the complainant intending to permanently deprive the complainant of her control, possession and ownership of such property or in such circumstances that he realized that there was real risk that the complainant would be permanently deprived of her control, possession and ownership of the property. He was sentenced to 36 months imprisonment with 12 months suspended on conditions of good behaviour and restitution. More

The appellant was tried and found guilty of contravening s 189 (1) (a) as read with s 65 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act) [Chapter 9:23] attempted rape. He was sentenced to 36 months imprisonment of which 6 months imprisonment were suspended on conditions of good behaviour. More

The applicant approached this court on an urgent chamber application seeking an order that: INTERIM RELIEF That pending the final determination of the Applicant’s Court Application for condonation for late noting of notice for review and subsequent Application for Review- 1. The 2nd respondent be and is hereby ordered to stay disbursement of sale proceeds out of the sale of house number 8094 9th Circle, Glen View, Area 8 immediately upon service of this order. 2. The 4th respondent be and is hereby ordered to stop forthwith any occupation process of the house. More

The parties in this matter, are a fairly young couple who have decided to end their marriage which was solemnized in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11] in August 2006. More

This is a court application for review. What is being sought to be set aside according to the founding affidavit and draft order, is the alleged revocation by the Master of the High Court of letters of administration which the applicants allege were issued to the first applicant in respect of the Estate of the late Abel Masawi. Applicants also seek the setting aside of the sale by the Executor of the immovable property of the estate of the Late Abel Masawi by the second respondent, the Executor. The first relief is being sought on the grounds that the alleged... More