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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is a trial action in which the plaintiff is suing the defendant for: (i) Payment of the sum of US$2985-00; (ii) US$ 100,850-00 in damages for breach of contract; (iii) Interest and costs. More

This matter came before me as an urgent chamber application. I then set it down and heard the parties’ legal practitioners on 26 August 2013. After hearing, the legal practitioners I dismissed the application with costs. More

This is a simple application for rescission of judgment obtained against the applicant by the first respondent in this court in case no HC 8216/11. The law is clear and settled. The starting point in considering such an application is for the court to consider the reasons for the applicant’s default paving way for the granting of the default judgment. If this hurdle is not satisfied, the matter must end here. It is only when the court accepts that the default has some reasonableness in it that the court will then proceed to consider whether or not the applicant has... More

On 1 June 2021, plaintiff issued summons against defendant claiming a) an order compelling the defendant to surrender plaintiff’s Mercedes benz E class registration number AFC 5822 b) payment of US$2500-00 being money advanced to defendant. c) costs of suit. In reconvention defendant claimed from plaintiff a) (i) payment of US$2500 (ii)delivery of an immovable property being stand valued at US$5000 or b) Payment of US$7500 being US$2500 money owed plus US$ 500 being the value of the stand In summary, the brief facts giving rise to plaintiff’s claim as per his declaration are that defendant and him are friends.... More

This is an appeal against conviction on a charge of rape as defined in s 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The appeal against sentence was abandoned at the hearing of the matter. The appellant was convicted following a trial. The appeal is opposed by the respondent. More