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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff issued summons claiming damages arising from a motor vehicle accident which occurred on 18 May 2007. The plaintiff’s claim is founded on allegations that the accident was solely due to the negligence of the 1st defendant in that: (a) he attempted to overtake another vehicle in the face of the plaintiff’s vehicle; (b) he drove at an excessive speed; and (c) that he failed to take evasive action or act reasonably when an accident was imminent . More

The background to this matter is as follows. On 24 April 2018 this matter was placed before me under a certificate of urgency. I gave directions relating to the hearing of the matter. Before the date of hearing counsel for 4th and 5th respondents indicated in writing that they will apply for a joinder. At the hearing Mr Muchadehama made a formal application as promised. The application was granted principally for the reason that the parties are involved in ongoing litigation in the two reference files cases both brought by the applicant. In HC 595/17 the applicant sought an order... More

This matter came to me via the urgent chamber book, seeking an interim order, that the first respondent be interdicted from carrying out any of the functions of a Judicial Manager as set out in s 306 of the Companies Act, and that the Master of the High Court assume custody of the assets of the second respondent. More

“IT IS ORDERED THAT The first and second respondents be and are hereby declared personally liable to pay the applicant: (a) The sum of Two Million, Seven Hundred and Fifteen Thousand United Sates Dollars (US$ 2 715 000,00). (b) Interest on the sum of US$2 715 000.00 at a rate of 15% per annum from the 27th May 2013 to date of payment in full. (c) Costs of suit on a legal practitioner client scale.” More

On 16 May 2022 this Court (HON. MANGOTA J) issued an order (the Order) in an application HC 5689/21 pitting first respondent (applicant therein) against applicants in casu and the rest of the respondents. The order read as follows: 1. Applicant’s papers to serve as its summons. 2. Applicant to prepare, file and serve upon the respondent its declaration on or before 31 May 2022. 3. Respondent’s notice of opposition to serve on (sic) its notice of appearance to defend. 4. Respondents to prepare, file and serve upon the applicant its plea on or before 14 June 2022. 5. Thereafter... More