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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant is being charged with rape as defined in s 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform ) Act, [Chapter 9:23] it being alleged that on the date unknown to the prosecutor but during the year 2013 and at house number 43 Magwenzi Street, Chizhanje, Harare, accused unlawfully and intentionally had sexual intercourse with ALISHA SIMON knowing that she had not consented to it or realizing that there was a risk or possibility that she might not have consented to it. The complainant is aged 10 years and doing Grade 5 at Mabvuku Primary School. The accused /applicant... More

The applicant, a public company which is duly registered as such in accordance with the laws of Zimbabwe, applies for a declaratur. It premises its application on a judgment which was granted to it on 5 December, 2018 under HC 10306/18. The judgment ordered the respondent who is a natural person, to pay to it the sum of $47 593.17 together with interest theron of 5% per annum reckoned form 7 September 2018 to the date of full payment. More

On 31 March 2020 applicant applied for a protection order in terms of the Domestic Violence Act [Chapter 5:16] against first respondent. An interim order was issued by second respondent and on 11 June 2020 second respondent after hearing submissions from the parties, granted a reciprocal protection order which order was meant to protect the parties against each other. Aggrieved by the second respondent’s ruling granting such an order, applicant approached this court on review on the following grounds:- 1. that second respondent’s decision was grossly irregular 2. that second respondent was also grossly unreasonable and irrational 3. that second... More

This is an urgent chamber application wherein the applicants pray for a provisional order in the following terms: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT: That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. The terms and conditions which applied to the Applicants at the time of their admission be and are hereby declared to be binding on the Respondent. 2. The regulatory framework imposed on the Applicants on 22 August 2012 be and is hereby declared a nullity. 3. The resolution of the meeting of 7 August 2012 be... More

The first and second applicants are the adoptive parents of “A”, a minor child they adopted as a couple. After applicants adopted the minor children, they went on to obtain adoption orders from the Children’s Court at which point they took a further step to acquire birth certificates for them in terms of the Births and Deaths Registration Act. Central to the applicants’ case is the endorsement of the words, “unknown” on their children’s birth certificates. The applicants averred that they were shocked to discover that they had been issued with birth certificates which only had information about the children... More