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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This application was dismissed on the date of hearing. A request has been made for reasons for the dismissal. These are they. Applicant is facing a single count of contravening section 65 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. The allegations are that in March 2019 the applicant raped his 16 year old biological daughter. The complainant reported the matter to her uncle who took her to the police and filed a report. More

Firstthe plaintiffobtained an order for the joinderto his suit ofthe second plaintiff and third defendant before my brother Judge Mawadze on 28 September 2015. The order requiredthe third defendant (Wintertons Legal Practitioners), to file its plea within 10 days. Without giving notice of intention to amend, the plaintiffs filed two “amended declarations” on 8 October 2015. On the same day plaintiffs proceeded to “serve” the amended declarations and order of joinder. They filed the affidavit of service of the first plaintiff as “proof of service” on 4 November 2015. More

This is an application for bail pending appeal. The applicants were convicted by the Magistrates Court at Chivhu of four counts of Stock Theft as defined in s 114 (2) (a) of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

This is an application for review of the Master of the High Court’s decision which was made on 12 October 2005. The applicants cited two grounds for review. Firstly, they submitted that the decision was grossly irregular in that it failed to recognize and uphold the clear intention of the deceased from the document purported to be his will. Secondly, the applicant submitted that the decision rejecting the will was grossly unreasonable. More

The first respondent is the surviving spouse and widow of Josia Tungamirai who died in South Africa on 25th August 2005. Pending the acceptance of a will that the decease had drawn up prior to his death, the first respondent was appointed Curator Bonis of his estate. The second and third applicants are the sons of the deceased from unions with other women, although they were brought up by the first respondent and the deceased. More