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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The parties in this matter were dealers in cotton. On 17 August 2011 they entered into a written agreement in terms of which the defendant, as plaintiff’s agent, would buy from the cotton farmers around the country seed cotton for delivery to the plaintiff’s ginnery or other ginneries chosen by the defendant and approved by the plaintiff. The seed cotton would be processed into lint and cotton seed. The plaintiff would provide an initial amount of US$120 000-00 in two phases which the defendant would utilise for the purchase of 205 tonnes of the seed cotton. The agreement would operate... More

On the 27th May 2014 the plaintiff issued summons out of this court seeking a sharing of immovable and movable properties she alleged were acquired during the subsistence of an unregistered customary law union with the defendant. More

This is an application for an order setting aside respondent’s decision that applicant pays duty in the sum of US$16 335.60 plus ZWL 349 488.03 for missing cases of castle lite beer, lost as a result of an accident. Briefly, the factual background of this matter is that, applicant, a clearing company, was engaged by a Zambian company to clear a consignment of liquor that was passing through Zimbabwe from South Africa. On 31 July 2021 applicant cleared the consignment. On 3 August 2021 at around 18:30 hours and at 312km peg along the Harare – Chirundu road, the truck... More

Law is a discipline which has many branches and sub-branches. A party who is suing another must make every effort to make a conscious decision on the branch or sub-branch of the law under which his suit must fall. Where he sues under an incorrect or inapplicable branch or sub-branch of the law and his attention is drawn to the wrong law which he has applied in the suit, he is better advised to re-consider his case than otherwise and, if what has been drawn to his attention has merit, he should withdraw the suit and re-file it under the... More

The plaintiff in this matter is a housing cooperative located in Dzivarasekwa, Harare. It seeks the eviction of the defendant and all his occupants from Stand No. 4356, Tongogara Avenue, Dzivarasekwa 2. It also claims costs on an attorney and client scale. The defendant resists eviction on the ground that he bought the stand from one Salijeni Likukula and that he is the rightful owner of the property. The issues for determination are whether the plaintiff is the owner of the stand and whether the defendant has any lawful right, claim or counterclaim over the property. More