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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
At the hearing of this matter I dismissed all the points in limine that the first respondent raised. After hearing the matter on the merits I dismissed the applicants’ application. I have now been asked for the written reasons thereof and these are they. I will start with the points in limine. More

The plaintiff Mugadziwa issued summons out of this court on 19 May 2004 seeking from the defendant $20 million defamatory damages arising from a misconduct letter written by the defendant, Shoko, which was published to officials in the Ministry of Education, Sport and Culture at Kwekwe, the Provincial Education Director for the Midlands Province in Gweru, the Secretary for Education, Sport and Culture and the Secretary for the Public Service Commission in Harare, interest at the prescribed rate from 1st April 2004 to date of payment and costs of suit. The summons was served on the defendant on 25 June... More

On 21st November 2022, the plaintiff instituted the present summons action in terms of section 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 07:06], in which he seeks the following declaratory and consequential relief: a) An order declaring that the 1st Defendant (the Trust) is entitled to subscribe to, and the 2nd Defendant (Zimbabwe Platinum) is obliged to allot to the Trust, ordinary shares in the share capital of Zimbabwe Platinum constituting 10% (ten per centum) of the issued share capital of the Zimbabwe Platinum in terms of clause 3.2 of the ZIMPLATS MHONDORO-NGEZI CHEGUTU ZVIMBA COMMUNITY SHARE OWNERSHIP TRUST MA1315/2011... More

On the 10th July 2020 applicant appeared before me in bail court and motivated his application for bail pending appeal in a robbery conviction and l delivered an ex-tempore ruling. In September the applicant requested written reasons for the judgment and these are they. More

For quite some time now the ownership of stand number 1150 Budiriro I Township, Harare (“the property”), has been immersed in controversy. The plaintiff alleged that he bought the property through Staset Property Maintenance and Service (“the estate agents”), who were the agents of the defendant. On the other hand the defendant denied the alleged sale, let alone knowing the estate agents in question. More