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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
: For wanting to be declared the lawful holder of rights, title and interests in the property known as stand number 6387 Retreat Waterfalls Harare, and for first respondent to vacate the said stand to give applicant vacant possession, applicant approached this court in terms of section 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06] (THE ACT) applying for a declaratur. More

The four appellants appeared before the court of the magistrate sitting at Chitungwiza facing a charge of contravening s 7 (1) (a) or (b) of the Communal Lands Act [Chapter 20:04] i.e occupying or using communal land without lawful authority. They were unrepresented. More

On 10 May 2014 plaintiff and defendant were married in terms of the then Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11], now the Marriages Act [Chapter 5:17]. The marriage was blessed with three minor children, Jayden Chikwature, born on 22 May 2012, Joshua Liam Chikwature, born on 12 January 2017 and Jordan Seth Chikwature, born on 8 November 2019. On 11 January 2022 plaintiff issued out summons claiming a decree of divorce and ancillary relief. In his Declaration, plaintiff stated that the marriage relationship between the parties has irretrievably broken down to the extent that there is no reasonable prospect for the restoration... More

The dispute before me stems from a misunderstanding between the applicant and the first respondent over an agreement signed on 22 May 2018 between the applicant and the government of Zimbabwe represented by the first respondent. The “Memorandum of Agreement” (“the MOA”), which is the subject of this litigation appears on pages 112-127 of the record marked Annexure “F”. The agreement sets out the terms and conditions governing the funding of a bankable feasibility study for the Kondo and Chitowe dams Multi-Purpose Project. In brief, the Kondo and Chitowe dams Multi-Purpose Project is a major water infrastructure initiative on the... More

On the date of trial the parties agreed to proceed by way of a stated case as they apparently had come to an agreement on the facts that are common cause and relevant for the resolution of the case. More