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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This matter emanates from an alleged theft by the applicant from OK Supermarket in Kwekwe on 9 August 2011. The Branch Manager of the 1st respondent was informed of the alleged theft on 1 November 2011. He asked the applicant for his report which was submitted to him on 14 November 2011. In that report, the applicant stated that there was a mix-up and that he had been discharged by the Kwekwe police. He attached what purported to be a clearance letter from the Officer-in-Charge Crime. It should be noted that the applicant’s letter is dated 12 November 2011 and... More

On 8 May 2006 the first respondent (“Marko”) being assisted by the third respondent (“Richard”) through a power of attorney, approached this court on an urgent basis. He was seeking spoliatory relief against the applicant (“Tawanda”). The Provisional Order was granted by consent. The matter was not set down for confirmation or discharge. More

The applicant was a former employee of the first respondent and left employment following allegations of having stolen specified tools from his employer. He had signed an acknowledgement of debt in which he undertook to pay for the stolen items. Having failed to pay the amount as embodied in the acknowledgment of debt, his employer filed an application in the Magistrate’s court for recovery of the debt. His employer also held on to applicant’s vehicle as security for the debt. More

At the conclusion of this trial the following factors were found to be common cause. On 27 February 2009, the plaintiff insured three motor vehicles with the defendant under comprehensive cover. The three motor vehicles included a Nissan Double Cabin bearing registration number 699-074 M which was insured for a sum of US$10 000-00 (ten thousand dollars). More

The dispute in this case is centred on intestate succession. The applicants are the offspring of the late Moses Muzonda, who died intestate on 23 September, 1997. Richard John Chimbari of RJC Executor Services (Pvt) Ltd was appointed executor dative of the deceased estate on 12 March, 2004 to wind up the estate which he did via a first and final administration and distribution account on 23 April, 2004, which the Master of this court approved on 20 August, 2004. The estate had only one asset, an immovable property in the form of house number 5694 Unit J, Seke, Chitungwiza.... More