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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant approached the court seeking for a declaratory order to be declared a spouse of the late Linus ChirimbaShambare for purposes of Administration of Estates Act [Chapter6:01]. More

The plaintiff and the first defendant have competing claims to stand 2609 Ruwa Township of stand 856 Ruwa Township (“the property”). This action was launched to compel the second defendant to pass transfer of the property to the plaintiff and that the third defendant registers the transfer in favour of the plaintiff. More

The respondent is a former employee of the applicant. He was employed as a salesman/driver until October 2013 when he was dismissed from employment. The employment relationship was terminated after allegations of misconduct were levelled against the respondent. The dismissal was pursuant to disciplinary proceedings that were conducted in October 2013. The respondent sought to challenge that dismissal, and that decision led to a plethora of litigation proceedings in different forums. More

In this application, the applicant seeks an order setting aside an arbitral award made on 29 March 2004 in terms of section 34(2) (b) (ii) of UNCITRAL Model Law as incorporated into our domestic law by the Arbitral [Chapter 7:15]. More