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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This an urgent chamber application for stay of execution of the judgment granted in case number HC 4457/19. The interim relief is being sought pending determination of an application for joinder, which the applicant proposes to file within five days from the date of the provisional order. On the return date the applicant seeks an order for the permanent stay of execution of the order referred to above. More

The bulkiness of this application gives the impression that the matter before me is complicated and involved yet it is a straight-forward application in which the applicant applies for relief as set out in the draft order as follows: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The first respondent’s decision made on the 13th of October, 2021 in dismissing the application for a postponement and ordering the hearing to proceed in the absence of applicant’s legal practitioners be and is hereby set aside. 2. The proceedings in State v Tendai Laxton BitiCRB HreP 11362/20 pending first (sic) before first respondent be and... More

The applicants approached this Court seeking that its late filing and setting down of the applicant’s exception be condoned and that the applicants be given leave to set down their exception within 10 days from the date of this judgment. The respondent a self-actor opposed the application but is not in attendance despite service of the notice of set down at his chosen address. Nonetheless, the court has decided to determine the matter on merits and the applicants’ legal practitioner made submissions and urged the court to exercise its discretion and grant the order sought. More

An urgent chamber application was placed before me on 10 November 2017, following statements by the then President, Robert Mugabe, at a funeral that government would resume executions of death row prisoners since it was concluding the process of appointing a hangman More

The applicant is the Minister of Finance in the Ministry of Finance. On the other hand the first to third respondents are members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police engaged in criminal investigations concerning cell phone lines 0772 568 807, 0774 346 082 and 0778 437 880 which have to do with the applicant’s calls. The first respondent is the investigating officer whereas the second respondent is the Officer Commanding, Criminal Investigations (CID). The third respondent is the Commissioner General responsible for all police operations in Zimbabwe. The fourth respondent is a company in the business of mobile telephone communication services... More