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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The parties herein got married under the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11] at Harare on 25 November 2006. Three children were born of the marriage namely Ryan Mufaro (born 10 October 2007) Bryan Tinotenda (born 23 March 2009) and Tessa Bryana Nyasha (born 13 September 2023. The marriage suffered a serious setback leading to plaintiff filling summons for divorce. Before filing for divorce the parties tried counselling to no avail. Since July 2020 they have been living separately. According to the plaintiff the relationship took a turn in the negative direction when defendant asked for money from her on her pay... More

On 24 October 2017, I dismissed the applicant’s urgent application for a stay of execution. Appellant has a filed an appeal and is requesting my reasons for dismissing his application. Although the appellant has not sought leave to appeal as he is required to. I have settled my reasons in writing in the interests of justice. More

The applicant approached this court for a declaratur in terms of s 68 (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe as read with s 3(1) of the Administrative Justice Act and r 59(1) of the High Court Rules, 2021. The relief sought is set out in the draft order as follows: “IT IS DECLARED THAT: 1. Statutory Instrument 10 of 2022 does not apply to a returning immigrant who had purchased his/her vehicle for import on or before the 16th of January 2022, who has been, or is subsequently granted returning resident status. 2. The Applicant is entitled to the immigration... More

This is an application for a review of criminal proceedings which are pending before the first respondent, in the Regional Court, Eastern Division, Harare. What has necessitated the application whilst the criminal proceedings are still pending is an interlocutory application that was made by the applicant for referral of the proceedings to the Constitutional Court. More

The applicants are members of Citizens Coalition for Change (“CCC”) - a political party which plays opposition politics in Zimbabwe. All ten of them and nine others who are not part of this application were elected into Parliament on the CCC party ticket on 1 April 2022. The colour YELLOW is, in a large measure, associated with the dress code of members of CCC. They wear yellow shirts, dresses and other forms of dress during meetings, rallies or other gatherings of the party. Yellow, judicial notice is taken, would appear to be the members’ uniform, so to speak. More