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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The parties were married on 5 December 1998 under the then Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11] now [Chapter 5:17]. Plaintiff’s evidence was that he moved out from where he was residing with defendant as he saw no reason to stay, for defendant was adulterous and the two were no longer living as husband and wife. Defendant on the other refuted the allegation of adultery. She is however agreeable to a decree of divorce being granted. There is only one issue that stands to be resolved namely whether or not Stand Number 6033 Westlea, Harare is matrimonial property. If so how should... More

On Wednesday 2 November 2005 the plaintiff was driving his Mazda 626 motor vehicle when he was involved in an accident at corner Wilson drive and Athlone road with a Nissan Hardbody motor vehicle registration number 696-572 B that was being driven by the defendant’s employee. More

The relief sought in this application is that of a declaratur. The applicant is a former employee of the Sports and Recreation Commission, (hereinafter referred to as the Commission). More

This dispute concerns immovable deceased estate property. Plaintiff is the executor in the estate of her late father Isaac Musarara. Isaac Musarara died on 20 January 1993 at Mazowe. He is survived by his wife and five children. He owned immovable property situated at number 1, 39th Crescent, Warren Part 1, Harare. At the time of his death he leased out this property as he resided in the communal lands. The deceased’s brothers agreed that Lovemore Musarara, deceased’s younger brother supervised this immovable property and generally the deceased’s affairs. In the course of this supervision Lovemore Musarara obtained letters of... More

This court application is brought in terms of Order 32 of the High Court Rules, 1971 (before they were repealed) as read with section 175 (6) and section 85 (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Order 32 deals with the procedure for applications. Section 175 (6) of the Constitution provides that; “(6) When deciding a constitutional matter within its jurisdiction a court may— (a) declare that any law or conduct that is inconsistent with the Constitution is invalid to the extent of the inconsistency; (b) make any order that is just and equitable, including an order limiting the retrospective effect... More