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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This matter was initially set down for hearing before me on 7 July 2011. After perusing pleadings filed by the parties to the dispute I required the first and second respondents to lodge with my clerk a copy of an environmental assessment impact report alluded to in the opposing affidavit which had been omitted from the record. Consequently the matter was postponed for hearing after the filing of the report. By the time that date arrived the parties had filed further documents and I postponed the matter to 20 July 2011 to enable the court and the parties to the... More

The plaintiff is a Trust formed in terms of an Addendum to a consent order entered into by the defendant and his ex-wife, Colleen Beatrice Benatar. The Addendum was subsequently made an order of this court. More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of a notice of opposition in HC7577/10 wherein the respondents seek the nullification of their suspension from employment as well as their reinstatement to their posts without loss of salary or benefits. The applicants were served with the court application in HC7577/10 on 27 October 2010. They had until 8 November 2010 to file their notice of opposition and opposing affidavits. On 8 November 2010 a notice of opposition and an opposing affidavit were filed. On 19 November 2010 an answering affidavit deposed to by the first respondent herein was filed. More

The applicant filed an urgent chamber application seeking an order of this court, staying the execution of an order granted by HLATSWAYO J on 24 July 2009, in HC 4327/08. More

This urgent chamber application was referred to me on 10 May 2010. On the same date after perusing the papers I endorsed on it that the matter was not urgent. On 11 May 2010 the applicant’s legal practitioners wrote to the Registrar seeking an opportunity to argue the urgency of the matter before the judge. Their letter was received by the Registrar on 12 May and brought to my attention on 13 May. I therefore directed that the matter be set down for 17 May at 10.00am. More