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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The municipality of the City of Harare is the lawful owner of certain piece of immovable property known as House No. 4 Hampshire Road, Eastlea, Harare. Sometime in September 1993 it entered into a written lease agreement with one Soul Kenneth Manyasha the defendant under case number 3174/08 and the plaintiff under case number HC 6675/08. More

The applicant is seeking a declaratory order in terms of s 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06]. The application was prompted by a dispute arising from an amendment to the Dadaya Mission Trust Deed and the appointment of the second to fifth respondents as trustees. From the onset, Mr Chidyausiku took the preliminary point that the first respondent is barred on account of filing heads of argument beyond the prescribed period. He moved that judgment be granted on an unopposed basis. The first respondent’s heads of argument were filed on 28 August 2018 despite having been served with... More

The debate over what came first, the chicken or the egg has never been resolved to finality. In casu, however, the question of what is in a chicken has a one- word answer to the plaintiff and the defendant - ‘everything’. Even more intriguing is the use of the word ‘luv’ by both of them in their registered trademarks. More

In this application, the applicant attached in execution certain movable goods listed in annexure B to the application. The goods were attached for execution to satisfy a judgment of this court in the case Tian Ze Tobacco Company (Pvt) Ltd vLawrence Katsiru Case No. HC 2100/14. The two parties are the judgment creditor and debtor respectively. In terms thereof the judgment creditor caused the issue of a writ of execution to recover an amount in excess of $224 003-16 and execution costs. More

The judgment creditor obtained judgment in case number HC 11336/14 against the first, second, third and fourth judgment debtors. More