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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The respondent is a registered legal practitioner, being the senior partner of Messrs Muskwe and Associates. He was admitted as a legal practitioner on 4 March 1985. The applicant filed the present application alleging that the respondent contravened s 23 (1) (d) of the Legal Practitioners Act [Chapter 27:07] as read with s 3 (7) of the Legal Practitioners (Code of Conduct) By-Laws, 2018 (Statutory Instrument 37 of 2018) and sections 70E and 70F of the Law Society of Zimbabwe By-Laws, 1982 (Statutory Instrument 314 of 1982) in that he: More

The Respondent is a registered legal practitioner who at the material time practised law under the style Gunje & Chasakara Law firm. The Applicant filed the present application seeking the deregistration of the Respondent as a Legal Practitioner, Notary Public and Conveyancer and that the Respondent pay the Applicant’s expenses incurred in connection with the proceedings. It is alleged that the Respondent is guilty of unprofessional, dishonourable and unworthy conduct in terms of Section 23(2)(b) of the Legal Practitioners Act [Chapter 27:07] and has contravened Section 23(1)(c) of the Legal Practitioners Act as read with By Laws 70E and 70F(2)... More

The respondent is a registered legal practitioner carrying on the business and practice of a legal practitioner under the name of Muchandibaya and Associates. He is a senior partner in the firm. More

This matter was placed before me on my opposed roll of matters. The facts are these. In 2014, the first respondent which is the Zimbabwe Board Examinations Council made a series of investments by way of fixed-deposits with the applicant bank. They were as follows:- a) US$5000,000-00, on the 19th May 2014 maturing on the 18th June 2014 with a maturity value of US$505,416-67; b) US$500,000-00 on the 22nd May 2014 maturing on the 23rd June 2014 with a maturity value of US$505,777-78; and c) US$500,000-00 on the 27th May 2014 maturing on the 26th June 2014 with a maturity... More

This matter came before me as an urgent application. With the consent of the parties and at the request of the parties that I issue a final order in the matter, I gave directions for further affidavits and heads of argument to be filed by the parties and thereafter heard the matter. More