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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The respondent was charged with culpable homicide as defined in s 49 of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23]. More

Applicant seeks an order in the following terms; “1. The holding of edict meetings by 1st respondent is hereby declared illegal. The meetings held on 3rd August and 19th August 2016 and 14th November 2016 presided over by 1st respondent are hereby set aside. 2. The 1st respondent’s withdrawal of Letters of Administration issued in favour of applicant is hereby set aside. 3. The appointment of 2nd respondent as executor of the Estate Late Edward Hekaku Boohene is hereby set aside. 4. Applicant be and is hereby confirmed as the executor in the Estate Late Edward Hekaku Boohene and shall... More

This is an urgent chamber application for an order suspending the execution of the judgment granted in Case No HC 5385 B/22 pending the determination of an application for its rescission filed under HC 7557/22. The applicant also seeks an order interdicting the first and second respondents from acting as its directors, shareholders or officers pending determination of the application for rescission of the judgment. Costs are being sought against any party that opposes the application while there is a proposal for each party to bear its own costs for those that have not opposed it. More

The present matter relates to interpleader proceedings instituted by Claimant in terms of Order 30 of the High Court 1971 (The Rules) whereby the court is requested to determine competing rights of the parties. More

On 23 March, 2015 the judgment creditor which sued Eleco Elevator Company (Pvt) Ltd, the judgment debtor, obtained a consent order against the latter. The consent order was for the sum of $44 111.32, interest on the stated sum at the prescribed rate reckoned from 30 May 2013 to the date of full payment and costs of suit in the sum of $1 700 which the judgment debtor was enjoined to pay on or before 10 April, 2015. More