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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 22 November 2020 and under HC4087/20, the judgment creditor obtained default judgment against one Danford Munyaradzi Chavundura (“Danford”), a legal entity which is known as DMC Medicals (Private) Limited (“DMC”) and one Pedzai Sakupwanya. These are collectively referred to as the judgment debtor. More

On 24 August 2016 the judgment creditor obtained judgment against Tripple Play Communications (Pvt) Ltd for the payment of $21 564.85 plus interest plus costs of suit. More

This is an interpleader application. On 9 October 2012, the following consent order was granted in favour of the judgment creditor ZB Bank Limited, wherein the judgment debtors were ordered to pay the sum of USD$80 845.64 plus interest at Plaintiff’s maximum overdraft lending from the 9th of October 2012 to date of payment. More

This is an interpleader application made in terms of Order 30 r 205A of the High Court Rules which provides that: “1) Where any person alleges he holds any property or is under any liability in respect of which he is or expects to be sued by two or more persons making adverse claims in respect of the property or liability, he may deliver to the claimants a notice and an affidavit setting out the matters referred to in rules 207 and 208 respectively.” More

The present matter relates to interpleader proceedings instituted by the applicant on the instructions of the 1st and 2nd claimants in terms of Order 30 of the High Court Rules 1971, whereby the court is requested to determine the rightful owner of the property attached by the Applicant. More