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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an interpleader application. The brief background of the matter is that the Judgement Creditor, Stanbic Bank Zimbabwe Limited, obtained a judgement in case number HC 4034/15 on 1 February 2016 against the Judgement Debtor, Blessing Mukoko. The Sheriff for Zimbabwe, who is the applicant in this matter, in the exercise of his duties, attached and sold the following immovable property: a) A certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called Lot 1 of Lot 6 of Lot A of Lot 22 of Greendale otherwise known as 5 Chantry Road Highlands, measuring 5882 square metres held... More

The applicant filed an Interpleader pursuant to the provisions of Rule 63(2) as read with Rules 63(5) and (7) of the High Court Rules, 2021. More

On 25 April, 2022 the applicant who is the Sheriff for Zimbabwe attached and took into execution the movable goods of the judgment debtor against whom the judgment creditor obtained judgment under HC 6801/20. The goods were attached at the instance of the judgment creditor in whose favour the court entered judgment on 29 March, 2022. Among the goods which the Sheriff attached is an Isuzu, KB 300 double cab motor vehicle, white in colour, with registration number AEC 6139. More

This is an application pursuant to the provisions of r 205A as read with r 207 of the High Court Rules, 1971. More

In the discharge of his duties as Sheriff the applicant placed under attachment certain items of property located at 162 The Chase, Mount Pleasant, Harare. This was in pursuance of a writ of execution issued by the judgment Creditor in HC 437/13 against Harare Kawasaki after he obtained judgment against that entity on 25 March 2013 in the sum of US$82 511-50. More