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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 20 November 2017 after hearing submissions in the above matter I dismissed the claimant’s claim with costs on the legal practitioner and client scale. Herein are the reasons for the aforesaid decision. More

This is an application by the applicant whereby the applicant seeks this Court’s determination on the ownership of the property that was attached in execution, in which the Claimant,Abigail Michelle Zituta, claimed that the property attached is her property and not the Judgment Debtors’. More

On the 5 November 2019 this Court issued an order in favour a Sakura Vuta Dewaterings (Pvt) Ltd (the Judgment Creditor) against Shatirwa Investments (Pvt) Ltd t/a Afmine (The Judgment Debtor). It was ordered that the judgment debtor pays the judgment creditor a sum of US $ 37. 283.98 plus interest at the prescribed rate from date of summons to date of full payment and costs of suit on the attorney – client scale. Pursuant to this order, a writ of execution against movable property was issued directing applicant to attach and take into execution judgment debtor’s movable goods at... More

These interpleader proceedings were brought by the Sheriff in terms of the Rules. The Sheriff is an officer of this court whose duties include, inter alia, the execution of court orders. In line with his duties the Sheriff attached and took into execution the judgment debtors’ movable property in Case No. HC 11692/16. The judgment debtors are Mydale International (Pvt) Ltd and one Dr Rob Kelly. The Sheriff attached movable property part of which includes 2 motor vehicles and household furniture. The property was attached at No. 8 Shirely Road, Borrowdale Harare. According to the notice of seizure and attachment... More

These are interpleader proceedings instituted by the applicant on the instructions of the claimant K M Auctions Private Limited after the applicant had attached property that the claimant claims to be its property. This was pursuant to a judgment of this court which was entered for Anwel Matindike against Duffy Mitchel Property Investments Private Limited trading as K M Auctions in case No. 8669/13. The claimant, which is represented by Mr Ken Mubaiwa, produced proof of ownership of the property. More