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Court Judgements

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The accused was charged with murder as defined in s 47 of the Criminal law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (“the Criminal Law Code”). He pleaded notguilty. More

The accused persons pleaded not guilty to the charge of murder they are facing. The State’s allegations It is alleged that on the 7th of October 2022, the accused confronted the deceased who was drinking beer with his colleagues in front of the guard room near Nenyere Flats in Mbare, Harare. The accused persons demanded that the deceased and his colleagues vacate the piece of land they had taken. When the deceased’s colleagues told the accused persons that they had nothing to do with the said piece of land, the accused persons started to assault the deceased on the head... More

Unsubstantiated rumour mongering had terrible fatal consequences in this case. The accused is alleged to have spread rumours to the effect that the deceased and two others Ranganai Sola and Simon Gideon had stolen a beast from one Revai Sylvester Mushayandebvu. More

The accused person is a 17 year old juvenile first offender. He is an orphan doing Form 3 at Majaha Secondary School. He was residing with his senile grandmother. He pleaded not guilty to raping a 14 year old complainant who is his friend’s niece. He initially went to the kitchen hut where the complainant and her siblings were to put up for the night and when asked what he wanted he bolted out without saying anything. He later returned after the complainant and her siblings had fallen asleep, opened the door, entered, throttled the complainant and raped her. More

The accused is the Minister of Energy and Power Development. In the main count he is alleged to have directed one of his subordinates Griefshaw Revanewako to purchase 5 million litres of diesel without going to tender in contravention of s 30 of the Procurement Act [Cap 22: 14] as read with sections 5 (4) (a) (ii) and 35 of the procurement regulations [S.I. 171 of 2002]. Mr. Justin Mupamhanga the Ministry’s permanent secretary gave evidence on behalf of the state. Under cross-examination he was subjected to the following questions by Mrs. Mtetwa counsel for the defense. More