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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Several allegations including criminal ones have been raised against the respondents by the applicant supported by one Felix Chikase. I am concerned with the manner in which these allegations have been framed against the 26 respondents. None of the deponents have raised specific allegations against each of the respondents but the allegations are of a general nature. Not even the applicant’s security officers have deposed to an affidavit indicating what each of the respondents has done in the furtherance of the allegations levelled against them. More

This is an appeal against a judgment in favour of the Respondent handed down on 5 May 2021 at the Harare Magistrates Court. Respondent had issued summons claiming payment of an equivalent of $4 370.00 USD, being tenant placement fees, at the auction rate,plus interest thereon at the prescribed rate calculated from 8 January 2019 to date of payment in full. Respondent also claimed costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale as well as collection commission. The particulars of claim were that on 8 January 2019, the parties entered into an Owner’s Mandate to Lease in terms... More

First plaintiff (“Beverley”) is a Zimbabwean based in the United Kingdom. She instructed second plaintiff (“Charles) to represent her in a deal to purchase a residential stand in Ashdown Park, Harare. First defendant (“Carson”) is the firm of real estate agents who facilitated the transaction, represented by second defendant (“Ngoni”) their alleged employee or consultant. Beverley and Charles allege that the third defendant (“Richard”) who sold them the stand, later turned dishonest by selling the same stand to another person. Beverley and Charles accuse Carson and Ngoni of negligence in failing to prevent the loss caused by Richard’s alleged fraudulent... More

The Applicant was seeking an interdict against the Respondent in the following terms:- 1. The Respondent and all its agents be and are hereby interdicted from carrying out farming activities on Applicant’s farm being Lot 1 of Wallacedale farm, Odzi- Mutare. 2. The Respondent and all its agents be and are ordered not to interfere in any way with Applicant’s farming activities at the farm named in (1) above. 3. The Respondent and all its agents are barred from entering into the Applicant’s farm and interdicted from using and taking/ removing any farming equipment from Applicant’s farm. 4. The Respondent... More

The undisputed facts of this matter are that on the 31st January 2014, the Sheriff of Zimbabwe conducted a public auction for the sale of Stand 105 Emerald Hill Township 2 of Stand 26B Emerald Hill Township measuring 2050 square metres held under Deed of Transfer 4370/96 commonly known as Stand 105 Goodall Close, Emerald Hill, Harare. The sale was conducted in terms of the rules of this Honourable Court and was pursuant to a court order obtained by Ordecco (Pvt) Ltd against one David Govere under case number HC 9257/12 and judgment number HH-179/13. At the public auction Applicant... More