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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The two accused persons were jointly indicted for trial in the High Court on 10 January 2011 on a charge of fraud. They were initially charged with three others whose charges have since been withdrawn before plea with a view of turning them into State witnesses. More

The five accused persons were jointly indicted for trial in the High Court on 10 January 2011 on a charge of fraud. At the commencement of their trial the prosecutor advised the court that she was withdrawing charges against the third, fourth and fifth accused before plea. Their respective legal practitioners accepted the withdrawal of charges against their clients before plea More

The accused (29) is facing a charge of murder as defined in s 47 (1)(b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. It is alleged that on 21 July 2020 and at Madzinga village, Centenary he assaulted Stephen Bvumbe (39) with fists all over his body thereby causing injuries from which Stephen Bvumbe died. The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge. In his defence the accused stated that on the fateful day, the deceased came home drunk. He was a nuisance and was spoiling for a fight. Apparently, the accused and the deceased were first cousins,... More

Both accused are charged with murder it being alleged by the state that on the 10th of January 2005 and at number one Latham road, Avondale both accused persons one or more of them unlawfully and with intent to kill stabbed Lisa Jane Veron on the chest with a sharp instrument thereby inflicting injuries from which the said Lisa Veron died. More

The accused was convicted on her own plea of guilty to a charge of assault as defined in s 89 of the Criminal code in consequence whereof she was sentenced to ten months imprisonment of which six months imprisonment was suspended on appropriate conditions of good behaviour. The remaining four months imprisonment was suspended on condition she paid a fine of $4 000-00. The State outline had alleged that the accused assaulted the complainant on the head with an axe. More