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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Had it not been tragic, the sordid and grimy events which led to these allegations of murder would have been the perfect script for a horror movie. In another sad reality of the scourge of domestic violence Merjury Murira (hereinafter the accused) appeared before this court charged with the murder of her husband Taruwinga Muhwati. The allegations against her are that on 19 November 2020 at Chisiku village in Pfungwe Mutoko, she struck the deceased once on the chin with an axe intending to kill him or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that her conduct could... More

The accused is a young man of 24 years of age. He was 21 years of age when he allegedly murdered his niece one Alga Lyn Chamisa at Number 7 Cinamon, Close, Ballantine, Chisipite, Harare. The facts and circumstances surrounding the murder of the deceased are to a large extent common cause. What is in dispute is simply the identity of her murderer. More

The accused, a 40 year old widow, faces a charge of murder it being alleged that on 2 April 2013 at Minihaha, NyakupingaResettlement Scheme, Nyanga, with actual intent to kill or realising the real risk or possibility that death may result, struck John Muchiriwesi, (56) with an unknown object and a stick thereby inflicting injuries from which the said John Muchiriwesi died. More

1. This is an application for a postponement. The accused was initially jointly charged with two other persons. The matter was first set down for trial for the week starting 26 September 2022. On the 26 September 2022 the accused made an application for a separation of trials, and on the 27 September 2022 the application was dismissed. See: The State v Mawadze HH 676/22. Subsequent to the dismissal of the first application for separation of trials, all the three accused made an application for disclosure of witness statements and other evidential material. On the 29 September 2022 the application... More

This is an application by the defence team, requesting the disclosure of statements of witnesses and some other evidential material in the possession of the State. This application is anchored on the accused person’s right to a fair trial. Mr Mpofu, counsel for the first accused, motivated the application. Mr Maruva, counsel for the second and third accused persons associated with the application. The accused persons request to be furnished with the statement of the doctor who examined the remains of the deceased, statement of five potential witnesses, namely Gay Moyo; Babra Chirenda; Admore Maforo; Casper Makenzie; Chitsone and Chihnamo,... More