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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The accused, a 36 year old father is alleged to have raped his 5 year old daughter on an unknown date sometime in December 2003. This is alleged to have taken place at accused’s home at Muchatisi Village under Chief Tandi in Rusape. The allegations were that the accused called the complainant into his bedroom in the afternoon and beat her up before sending her to go and fetch some water. When she came back to his bedroom he ravished her. He fled from the area and was arrested during the month of August 2010. More

The accused, who was the deceased’s husband faced a charge of her murder. The accused’s wife went to fetch water from the well and never returned. She had instead been found strangled to death a few hours later that day. She was a mother of two at the time to a one year old and a six week old baby. The case against him was based wholly on the tally of cumulative circumstantial evidence. More

This review was placed before me in terms of section 58(3) (b) of the Magistrates Court Act. The charge was phrased as follows: “PHYSICAL ABUSE” AS DEFINED IN SECTION 4 ARW SECTION 3(1)(A) OF THE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACT CHAPTER 5:16”. The circumstances were: “In that on the 22nd day of November 2020 and at Chadley farm, Marondera, Nhamo Chakara unlawfully committed an act of physical abuse upon Jesman Mabhaure his former wife by stabbing her once on the back with a knife intending to cause Jesman Mabhaure bodily harm or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that... More

The accused faced a charge of murder arising from the death of a policeman he was said to have run over at a police stop with his commuter omnibus registration ABZ 2324 on the 2nd of October 2016. More

The proceedings in this matter were placed before me on automatic review in term of s 57 (1) (a) of the Magistrates Court Act, [Chapter 7:10]. On reading through the record of proceedings I reached the conclusion that the sentence imposed by the court a quo was in all the circumstances of the case so disturbingly and shockingly excessive as not to accord with real and substantial justice and that to leave it extant would result in a miscarriage of justice. I determined that the sentence merited that the court should exercise its powers given in s 29 (2) (b)... More