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Court Judgements

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The two accused, Wallen Mupunga (hereinafter first accused) and Masimba Makoto (hereinafter second accused) pleaded not guilty to a charge of the murder of Tinotenda Mandiyanike (hereinafter the deceased). With them vehemently denying any connection to the unfortunate demise of the deceased they initiated a lengthy process of a trial which took the court in and out of a trial within a trial, before finally returning to the main trial. The protracted trial endured for several months, causing a considerable strain on all the parties involved. The conclusion of the trial brought a palpable sense of relief to all the... More

Emelda Marazani (the accused) a thirty year old mother of five children appeared before us accused of a quadruple homicide in terms of s 47 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [chapter 9:23] (The Code). The indictment states that on 11 November 2020, at No. 4171, Highview in Chivhu, the accused unlawfully and with intent to kill or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that her conduct may cause death and continuing to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility, cut the throats of Amanda Brande, Yolanda Brande, Liyanda Brande and Glenda... More

Rifias Mandiko, (hereinafter the accused), a suspected mental patient detained at Chikurubi Maximum Psychiatric Unit, is accused of killing Tapiwa Alhwisi Nduna(the deceased). Prosecution alleges that in that mental institution the accused unlawfully and with intention to kill or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct may cause death and continuing to engage in that conduct despite the risk or possibility, the accused caused the death of the deceased by striking him on the head and face several times with a hoe. The assault caused injuries which led to the deceased’s death. More

Another victim of domestic violence or reckless mishandling of a firearm resulting in a fatality? Whichever way one looks at this homicide, what is certain is that the loss of life was needless. Tichaona Chirinhe (the accused), a serving police officer is accused of fatally shooting his spouse Juliana Chirinhe (the deceased) on the groin using his service pistol at number 164A Unit F Seke in Chitungwiza on 27 December 2020. The deceased was also a member of the police force. The injuries she sustained were mortal. More

This murder is what was described in the case of R v Kemp as a motiveless and irrational attack. It illustrates the imperceptible gradations between sanity and insanity and responsibility and irresponsibility. More