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Court Judgements

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The charge which he faced in court was couched as follows: “Bernice Chitsedza Hereinafter called the accused person charged with the crime of Contravening s 4(1) of the Statutory Instrument 2 of 2024 of the Presidential Powers (Temporary Measures) (Criminal Laws) (Protection of children and Young Persons) Regulations, 2024 In that on a date to the prosecutor unknown but during the period from the month of December 2023 to the 3rd of March 2024 and at Zvivindi B Village, Chief Chipuriro Guruve, Bernice Chitsedza a male adult unlawfully and intentionally had extra marital sexual intercourse with Mimi Chindori, a female... More

Tinotenda Mangenjani (The accused) is alleged to have killed Nomatter Zvoushe (the deceased) after an argument about a missing pint of beer. The allegations are that on 10 February 2022, at Mhene village, Chief Bushu in Shamva, the accused stabbed the deceased with a knife on the lower left abdomen. He intended to kill the deceased or realised that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct could lead to death but despite that realisation he persisted with his conduct. The deceased died from the injuries which he sustained from the assault. More

The accused (61) was convicted of having sexual intercourse with a young person aged 14 years as defined in s 70 of the Criminal Law Code. He was convicted on his own plea. The conviction is proper and l hereby confirm it More

The two matters were brought before me for review. I decided to dispose of both matters in one review minute as both records were presided over by the same magistrate. Further in both records the accused were convicted of unlawful entry and theft. Both records reflect effective imprisonment terms. The issues that arise in respect of both records are the same. More

The offender appeared before this court charged with the crime of murdering his wife. After a contested trial, we dismissed his protestations and convicted him of the murder. Briefly, the facts proven at trial were that on the fateful night the offender who had earlier in the day been merry-making with the deceased had together with her consumed an entire 750 ml bottle of gin. That drink had an alcohol volume of up to 43%. The couple later had a misunderstanding over the deceased’s refusal to prepare supper which was expected to have taken place soon after the restoration of... More