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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Prosecution alleged in this murder trial, that the three accused persons Ashton Tadiwanashe Mandaza (first accused), Kudakwashe Machingauta (second accused and Taurai Dzvova (third accused) contravened s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (the Code) in that on 17 May 2022 at Chivhu Location Shops, the accused persons each or all of them unlawfully and with intent to kill or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that their conduct may cause death but continuing to engage in that conduct despite the realisation of the risk or possibility, caused the death of Tazvivinga... More

: At the conclusion of this trial, our unanimous decision was that we must as we hereby do, find the accused not guilty and acquitted of the charge of murder he was facing. More

The accused person appeared before a Harare Magistrate together with a co-accused facing a charge of attempted murder as defined in s 189 (1) (a) (b) as read with s 47 (1) (a) (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act, [Chapter 9:23] and another of robbery as defined in s 126 (1) (a) (b) of the said code. The two accused pleaded not guilty and his co-accused was acquitted at the close of the trial. The accused was convicted and sentenced to 6 years imprisonment for the attempted murder charge and 10 years imprisonment for the robbery charge,... More

The appellant was charged with the common law crime of sodomy. Hepleaded not guilty but was convicted after a trial by the Regional Magistrate for the Eastern Division sitting at Harare. He was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment of which 2 years imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on condition of future good conduct. More

The applicant is facing one count of armed robbery as defined in s 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Cap 9:23]. She is the fifth accused, jointly charged with four accomplices. More