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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The two accused persons Machekwa Shangwa and Wellington Shangwa are blood brothers and the deceased Trust Chidhume was a cousin brother to them. The following factors are common cause: More

The accused was convicted of raping his seventeen year old girlfriend. He was also aged seventeen at the time. He had pleaded not guilty to the charge. The sentence imposed was, “To receive a moderate correction of one stroke with a rattan cane to be administered in private by a designated Prison Officer at Harare Central Prison.” More

On their initial appearance before this court on 4 July, 2016, the 6 accused persons were arraigned together with another accused person Crispen Sibanda who was not represented. More

This matter was placed before me for review in terms of s 57 of the Magistrates Court Act [Chapter 7:10]. The accused appeared before a Marondera court facing a charge of contravening s 89 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23], assault. He pleaded not guilty and was convicted after a full trial and sentenced to perform community service. The brief allegations are that he assaulted the complainant several times all over the body using open hands causing injuries to the complainant. The complainant’s injuries were not visible. More

This record of proceedings was placed before me on automatic review in terms of s 57 of the Magistrates Court Act [Chapter 7:10]. The accused was charged with and convicted of four counts of unlawful entry into premises. The circumstances were that he had on 27February 2022 at Murehwa Mission, broken and entered into a dormitory which housed four school girls. Whilst inside he had proceeded to steal four satchels, a juice bottle, a mathematical set and a calculator all valued at ZW$10 200 belonging to each of the school girls namely Yeukai, Bliss, Tanatswa and Rutendo. He made good... More