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Court Judgements

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The accused is charged with various counts involving conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism, sabotage and illegal possession of firearms in a bid to unseat a lawfully established government in contravention of the Public Order and Security Act [Cap 11:17] and the Firearms Act [Cap 10:09] More

The accused was charged with murder of his cousin on Christmas day 2016 on their way from Dotito business centre where they had gone to drink beer. He pleaded not guilty. It is not in dispute that the two had gone drinking on that day. The accused was having an illicit relationship with the deceased’s wife which was indeed still on-going at the time that the deceased met his death. This much is evident from the evidence of the deceased’s wife that was admitted by consent in terms of s 314 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 9:07]. More

The accused was charged with the crime of theft of Trust property as defined in s 113(2) of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23]. The details of the charge are that on 23 April 2021 at Gulf Complex Harare, the accused was in terms of a trust agreement between him and the complainant required to hold in trust on behalf of the complainant USD$1 900.00 for purposes of purchasing six television sets of varying sizes. The accused contrary to the agreement converted USD1 710.00 of the trust money to his own use thus failing to hand the... More

The Regional Magistrate for Masvingo Province has referred these two matters to this Court for directions and corrective measures. Both cases involved offences under the Parks and Wild life Act [Chapter 20:14] and were dealt with by the same trial magistrate. In order to address the issues raised by the learned Regional Magistrate, it is necessary to set out the relevant provisions of the Parks and Wildlife Act. More

The accused in this case was found guilty on his plea of guilty to a charge of negligent driving in contravention of section 52(2) of the Road Traffic Act [Cap 13:11]. The conviction is in order and is accordingly hereby confirmed. More