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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appellant was convicted on a charge of rape by the Regional Magistrate sitting at Harare. The allegation against him was that on 23 January 2008 at No. 24 Coronation Avenue, Greendale, Harare, he unlawfully had sexual intercourse with the complainant without her consent. Upon conviction he was sentenced to 17 years imprisonment of which 4 years was conditionally suspended. He now appeals against both conviction and sentence. More

The Senior Regional Magistrate for the Eastern Division has referred this matter to the Registrar for review and guidance. The facts of the matter, briefly stated, are as follows. On 19 March 2010, the five accused persons went to the complainant’s homestead in Marufu Village, Mhondoro. They met the complainant’s son and told him that they had come to remove the complainant from his home. They claimed to be acting on the strength of a letter written by the local chief coupled with instructions from the police. They then forcibly entered the premises and proceeded to remove all the property... More

The accused is charged with one count of murder and another count of attempted murder as respectively defined in s 47 and s 189 as read with s 47 of the Criminal law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23). The indictment in count 1 alleged that on 4 February, 2008 and at Makalanga Farm, Mazowe, the accused acting with intent to kill unlawfully shot the deceased Innocent Numwitike with a 303 rifle on the back andchest causing injuries which resulted in the shot victim’s death. In count 2 it is alleged that on the same date and place and using... More

The accused was charged with one count of assault as defined in terms s 89 (1) (a) of the Criminal Code [Chapter 9:23] and another count of unlawful entry as defined in s 131 of the same code. In the first count it was alleged that on 6 July 2015 at Chiradzine Shop. Deda Business Centre, Rusape, the accused unlawfully assaulted the complainant, Tafara Maparura on the left hand with a pool stick and head butted him thereby causing injuries to the complainant. In the second count, it was alleged that on the same date and place, the accused unlawfully... More

The accused is facing a charge of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23] (The Criminal Law Code). It is alleged that on 17 May 2022 and at Chaira Village, Chief Musarurwa, Masasa in Chivhu, he murdered one Gibson Mawire by assaulting him several times all over his body and throwing him into a well. The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge. More