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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The background to this case is that the accused appeared before the court a quo on a default enquiry which was centered on the accused’s default in performing community service as had been ordered by the court. More

The accused is facing a charge of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law Code. The allegations are that on the 4th of June 2022, at around 1900 hours the accused person and his accomplice Farai Chikukutu waylaid the deceased Courage Muzarawetu at Seke Flyover along Seke Road, Harare and hit him on the head with a half brick and he fell down and died. The accused person and his accomplice then took the deceased’s Huawei Honor 7 cellphone, an Econet line 0774 357 074 and a pair of shoes. The two then left the deceased lying... More

The accused persons and one Ngonidzashe Mutsvene were charged with fraud as defined in s 136(b) of the Criminal Law ( Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] More

The accused was charged with murder. On 19 March 2016 he threw a stone at the deceased who succumbed to his injuries on 21 March 2016. More

On 1 July 2022, the accused who was staying with his parents had a dispute with his family members over his behaviour and he became violent. The family members then sought refuge at the deceased’s place of residence. On the next morning when the family members returned home the accused was still violent and he blocked them from entering the house. The deceased arrived and tried to talk to the accused, but the accused stabbed him with a kitchen knife on the left side of the lower region of the back near the ribs. The post mortem report states that... More