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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Joyce Chikomo (the deceased) and Zvisineyi Rupiya (the accused) stayed in bliss at a farm compound in the farming areas of Bindura. The serenity in the area was rocked on 7 September 2023 around 1700 hours after the deceased confronted the accused who was in conversation with one Beauty Mutyambizi. The deceased wanted to know what the two were discussing. Taking no prisoners, the deceased said they were discussing the rumour which was circulating in the area that the accused had had sexual intercourse with her neighbour called Abraham Saramba and was paid USD $5 for the service. The accused... More

. It is alleged that on 20 June 2021, in Braeside Harare the accused caused the death of SimbarasheMuzividzi by slapping him twice on the face and pushing him onto a hard, stony ground with intent to kill or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that death may result. On the fateful day, both the accused and the deceased were allegedly drinking beer with Kevin Levendale and two other colleagues. A misunderstanding then arose between the accused and the deceased with the latter demanding respect from the former whom he alleged was younger than him. The accused... More

This is an application for review brought by the applicants in terms of s 26 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:07] as read with r 62(1) of the High Court Rules SI 202/21. Four grounds of review are stated by the applicants ex-facie the application More

The applicant, a Trust, instituted the instant application seeking an order directing the first respondent to convene a meeting of the first respondent’s creditors on or before 15 November 2017 for the purpose of considering “the resolutions tabulated by the applicant.” That relief is being sought pending the determination of the matter. More

This is an application for the dismissal of the application for review which was filed by the three respondents under Case Number HC 9652/14. The application is being made in terms of Order 32 r 236 (3) (b) of the High Court Rules, 1971, on the ground that the respondents, having been served with the applicants’ notice of opposition and opposing affidavits, failed to file an answering affidavit or to set the matter down for hearing within one month after the filing of the opposing papers. The application is opposed by the respondents on the ground that after they had... More