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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On the 17th March 2017 after hearing submissions from the parties I granted the following order: More

This is an application for maintenance pendente lite and for contribution towards costs in litigation. The parties were married in 2013 and have three minor children. They no longer stay as husband and wife. The wife had moved out with all the children and is renting accommodation elsewhere. The parties have a pending divorce action. The applicant is not formally employed but is the custodian and primary caretaker of the children on a day to day basis. The respondent, her husband, is a managing director of a company. What applicant seeks are the following sums of money: $ 5 000.00... More

This is an appeal against the sentence imposed on the appellant following his conviction on a charge of fraud as defined in s 136 of the Criminal Law) Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The appellant was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment of which 4 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on condition that the appellant does not within that period commit an offence involving dishonesty for which he is sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine. More

The appellants who were unrepresented were arrested and charged with the offence of violating s 10 of the Copper Control Act [Chapter 14:06], the allegations having been that they were found in possession of 140 kgs of copper wire and that they had failed to give a satisfactory account of such possession. Upon pleading to the charge each appellant was sentenced to an effective prison term of 2 years and the copper wire was declared to have been forfeited to the State. More

The applicant faces allegations of murder committed in the course of a robbery. He applies for bail pending trial on the basis of changed circumstances. His previous bail attempts before this court were dismissed by ZHOU J on 5 August, 2015 and 20 July, 2016 and written reasons were supplied by the learned judge. In the reasons for dismissing his application handed down on 20 July, 2016, it was noted that the trial of the accused and his accomplices had failed to commence on 23 May, 2016 through circumstances beyond the control of the National Prosecuting Authority in that the... More