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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff issued summons against the first defendant which is a public vehicle transport operator and her driver the second defendant for the following claim. a) Payment in the sum of $653 medical expenses incurred by the plaintiff. b) Payment of $1 500 being future medical expenses. c) Payment of $25 000.00 being damages for pain and suffering. d) Payment of $1 650 being loss of earnings. e) Interest at the prescribed rate of 5% on all the sums claimed from the date of summons to date of full and final payment. f) Costs of suit at on an attorney-client... More

Manase and Manase legal practitioners were engaged by Winston Hazvineyi Chigiji "Winston" who instructed them, by power of Attorney, to sell his property known as Stand 1119 Seke Township. On 25 June 2004 the legal practitioners entered into an agreement of sale of the said property with the 2nd respondent. The purchase price was an amount of $65 million which the 2nd respondent paid in full as stipulated in the agreement. More

This is an urgent chamber application for stay of execution of a judgment given in favour of the first respondent against the applicant in case number HC3126/11. After hearing submissions from counsel representing the applicant and the first respondent I gave an ex tempore judgment dismissing the application with costs. The background to the dispute between the parties is as follows: More

The dispute between the parties first appeared before me as a chamber application for a default judgment. The application was instituted by the first respondent who was then the applicant. The application was against the second respondent and the applicants who were the defendants in the main case. The default judgment was premised on the second respondent not having entered appearance to defend. The application cites the second defendant and the applicants as respondents though the body of the application specifically states that “application for default judgment is hereby made against the first defendant only”. The second respondent is the... More

On 7 February 2001 the first applicant and the respondent entered into a lease agreement in terms of which the respondent leased to the first applicant certain premises known as the Boka Tobacco Auction Floors. On 24 December 2010, in HC 9478/10, by the consent of all the parties herein, this court issued an order in terms of which the respondent herein was allowed reasonable access to the leased premises on the following conditions: “1.1 The access shall be restricted to inspection of the premises and causing necessary repairs thereof. 1.2 The access shall be exercised upon reasonable written notice... More