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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The Applicants and the first respondent entered into a Joint Venture Agreement on 19 April 2019 for the purpose of conducting farming activities at Kwayedza Farm (crebilly), Zvimba District (the farm). The first Respondent is the holder of a 99 year lease in respect of the farm and Applicants were to be the financial and technical partners in the agreement. In furtherance of the joint venture agreement, Applicants brought a herd of cattle sheep onto the farm. The cattle are being kept on an open grazing basis and in excess of 200. More

The applicant instituted the application in casu seeking an order that: “1. It be and is hereby declared that no special grant or mining rights may be awarded to the first respondent, or anyone, by the second or third respondents or anyone acting in their stead, in respect of (the) property known as Subdivision 1 of Highway Estate in Makonde District of Mashonaland West Province, measuring approximately 65.60 hectares. More

The plaintiff on 24 February 2011 issued summons out of this court seeking an order of sharing of the assets of the parties on the basis of the common law principle of unjust enrichment. More

I dismissed the applicant’s application for bail pending trial on 2 December, 2016. I reserved my reasons for my order. More

The parties are referred to as in the heading above. The plaintiff is an adult male person of Harare. The defendant is a duly incorporated company which is in the business of offering investments and insurance services among its other portfolios of business. In 1989 the plaintiff took out an insurance policy reference No 7127755 with the defendant. The policy was described as an “Independence Maker Insurance Policy”. More