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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant approached this court seeking spoliatory relief against the respondents on a certificate of urgency. When I heard the matter, I granted the relief sought and gave my reasons ex tempore. More

This was an application for the restoration of title over a certain immovable property that the applicant alleged he had been fraudulently dispossessed of. Respondents 1 to 3 [“the respondents”] opposed the application. More

The plaintiff issued summons seeking a decree of divorce and a division of the matrimonial estate. The defendant in turn, counter-claimed for a decree of divorce and the division of the matrimonial estate of which the major claim is a fifty percent share in house number 5 Rainbrant Close, Strathaven, Harare. More

This is an application wherein applicant seeks a decree of perpetual silence against the respondents. The order sought is couched as follows: “1. The first and second respondents be and are hereby ordered to maintain perpetual silence against the applicant. More

Applicant claims to be the registered owner of mining claims known as Pen A and Pen B situated in Bindura. Two certificates of registration were attached to the applicant’s founding affidavit. They are all in the name of an entity known as Future Connections Mining Syndicate. Certificate of registration 46748 was issued on 21 December 2018. It is in respect “of a block consisting of ten (10) Gold Reef named BASIE….…..the situation of which is indicated to be in Barrassie Farm, approx. 3,9 km N. East of trig beacon…”. Certificate of registration 47117 is in respect of “a block consisting... More