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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an urgent chamber application for a spoliation order. The applicant seeks restoration of what it claims has been its peaceful and undisturbed occupation and use of a certain piece of land, being 40 hectares of Buckland Estate, which is a subdivision of 280 hectares of Buckland Estate, situated in the District of Goromonzi. More

The applicant herein seeks the following order:- “WHEREUPON after reading the papers filed of record and hearing Counsel: IT IS ORDERED AND DECLARED THAT: (a) The applicant duly paid all import duties and taxes for the motor vehicle: Make Toyota Landcruiser Model 200 series Engine No. IVD 0032379 Chassis No. JTMHV05J004018755 (b) That the payment of duty released the motor vehicle from any and all encumbrances connected with the immigrant’s rebate. (c) That the first respondent is not entitled to demand, seize or impound the motor vehicle. (d) That the first respondent shall not demand the surrender of the motor... More

This is an application for absolution from the instance by the defendant at the close of the plaintiff’s case. The defendant contends that there is no need to call the defendant to rebut the plaintiff’s claims because there is no evidence that has been placed before the court to rebut. The facts of the case are relatively narrow. The plaintiff Timothy Curtis Jackson is a commercial farmer who at the material time was leasing Ruya Ranch Farm from one Mr Nyamupfukudza for the purposes of commercial production of tobacco and maize amongst other crops. The plaintiff and defendant entered into... More

1.1 That the caveat placed on the immovable property identified as certain piece of land in the district of Salisbury called Remainder of Lot 40 of Reitfontein measuring 6, 8288 hectares as will more fully appear upon reference from Deed of Transfer Reg No. 9563 with diagram annexed in respect of Lot 4 of Reitfotein made in favour of Godfrey James King on the 4th of January 1912 and to the subsequent Deed so Transfer the last of which passed in favour of Jun Mclachlan (Reg No. 3125/74) on the 23rd day of May 1974 remain and not be capable... More

The applicants bring an application for rescission of judgment for failure to file a notice of opposition in an application. More