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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for the registration of an arbitral award obtained by the applicant against the respondents. More

Legal practitioners should keep up to date with and give cognizance to rules of the courts. They should not waste the court’s time by bringing ludicrous applications before the court. The determination of cases should not be slowed or deferred unessentially because a legal practitioner has failed to assimilate the rules. This was the case in this matter. More

The applicants seek an order cancelling the first to seventh respondents’ title in immovable properties mentioned hereunder and the reinstatement of the second applicant’s title in the properties. The properties in issue are: More

The plaintiffs are trustees of the Leonard Cheshire Homes Trust, a trust established in terms of the trust laws of Zimbabwe. The Trust was established in 1981. The trustees, were appointed at different stages, as will be clarified in the judgment. The main objective of the trust as provided in clause 3 (i) (a) of the Deed of Trust is, More

This matter commenced as an action against seven (7) defendants by the two plaintiffs seeking:- 1. a permanent interdict barring the defendants from reproducing, selling or offering for sale exporting or otherwise dealing in their plaintiffs’ works. 2. an order that defendants account for all the profits from infringing plaintiffs’ works. 3. damages calculated at 50% of the profits made by the defendants from infringing plaintiffs’ works for the period 12/02/2009 to date of summons. 4. attachment and delivery up of all infringing copies or articles presently in defendants’ possession and five costs of suit at the attorney and own... More