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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an urgent chamber application for an interdict restraining the first respondent from encroaching onto the applicant’s immovable properties described as Stands 19774 and 19775 Town Centre, Seke South, Chitungwiza. The application is opposed by both the first and second respondents. The second respondent only filed its opposing papers after I had asked that it places the correct facts on record given that the evidence tendered by both the applicant and first respondent suggested that the dispute had arisen as a result of the conduct of the second defendant in relation to those two parties. More

On the 4th of June 2015, the applicant was convicted of murder with actual intent by this court siting at Masvingo. The presiding judge, BERE J, found that the murder was committed in extenuating circumstances arising from intoxication and provocation thereby sentencing the applicant to imprisonment for 25 years. More

The applicant is 22 years old and faces 3 counts of robbery in contravention of s 126 of the Criminal Law Code [Cap 9:23], it being alleged that on 22 September 2013, 15 October 2013 and 18 October 2013 himself and 3 others robbed the complainants of their motor vehicles using the same modus operandi. They allegedly hired the complainants to transport them to destinations before robbing them on the way. More

: The applicant in this matter applied for dismissal of respondent’s application filed in case No HC2146/12 for want of prosecution in terms of order 32 r 236(3)(b) of the High Court Rules 1971. More

This case presents a complex scenario of what has become of the legal profession due to the conduct of a few “bad apples” in the basket. If left unchecked that conduct can damage the reputation of the legal profession, a profession which, among the Romans, was equated to consecrated priesthood. More